
Penulis telah menganalisa di antara punca-punca yang menimbulkan perasaan perkauman di Malaysia adalah disebabkan perasaan hasad dengki yang membuak di kalangan puak-puak anti-kerajaan yang hanya bertujuan ingin mendapatkan lebih banyak kuasa dalam politik dan ekonomi.
Hakikatnya matlamat puak-puak anti-kerajaan ini adalah sama di mana cuba menggerakkan kempen berbentuk sentimen perkauman yang pasti mengundang perbalahan dan seterusnya rakyat dipecah-pecahkan mengikut kaum,agama dan kebudayaan.
Pada dasarnya, puak-puak ini menggunakan kaedah politik yang sama dengan menggunakan pengalaman pilihanraya umum yang lalu sebagai bahan rujukan. Ini dapat dibuktikan dengan pemikiran kotor puak-puak ini untuk menggunakan sentimen perkauman bagi menghadapi pilihan raya umum akan datang.
Persoalannya, siapa pencetus kepada isu perkauman ini?
Disini, kita dapat melihat dua puak yang terlibat. Bagi penulis, puak-puak ini ada hubungkait dengan perkara ini. Dalam usaha untuk menarik sokongan rakyat, Pas dan DAP hari ini dapat dilihat ingin memerangkap rakyat yang buta politik kepada sentimen berbentuk perkauman dimana teringin melihat perbalahan di antara kaum di Malaysia.
Penulis ingin mengimbau pada tahun 1999, prestasi DAP merudum setelah menjalinkan kerjasama dengan Pas menerusi pakatan yang dinamakan ‘Barisan Alternatif’ (BA) atau dikenali ‘barisan anjing’, maaf kasar bahasa dan pada tahun 2004 prestasi parti mereka pulih semula setelah menarik diri daripada pakatan tersebut.
Ini membuktikan pada kita, kedua-dua parti ini semakin hari semakin parah dalam arena politik dimana saling menuduh satu sama lain. Pas seolah-olah mahu menunjukkan mereka tidak sehaluan dengan DAP dan begitulah sebaliknya DAP ingin menonjolkan mereka tidak lagi sebulu dengan Pas.
Berbalik pada pemecahan antara DAP dan Pas, di antara puncanya adalah disebabkan Pas yang tidak berpuas hati akan undian rakyat yang melebihkan DAP daripadanya. Pas menyifatkan DAP dalam diam menikam dari belakang dengan mencuri idea sebenar Pas iaitu menggunakan sentimen perkauman yang dipercayai dapat meraih undi rakyat yang banyak, seterusnya dapat merealisasikan impian Pas yang ingin menubuhkan kerajaan olok-olok ala Islamik.
Dengan tertubuhnya parti baru yang ditubuhkan oleh Datuk S Nallakarupan, Parti Bersatu India Malaysia (MIUP) tidak mustahil Pas dan DAP akan memperalatkan parti ini sebagai alat untuk memancing undi kaum India pula.
Oleh itu, kita dapat menganggap hasrat parti pembangkang untuk menerajui kerajaan jika menang pada pilhan raya umum akan datang sebagai sesuatu yang hanya ‘indah khabar dari rupa’.
Inilah stail pembangkang. Lebih label dari isu. Lebih sudu dari kuah. Alih tak alih DAP dan rakan sekutunya hanya bersuara apabila terdapat sesuatu isu yang menyentuh kepentingan mereka dan akan mendiamkan diri apabila melibatkan kaum mereka.
Perlu diingat mempertahankan hak bukanlah perkauman kerana mempertahankan hak seperti mempertahankan kedaulatan negara. Kita perlu berada di atas prinsip, begitulah di dalam BN jika masalah melibatkan kaum Cina kita akan merujuk kepada MCA, jika timbul isu kaum India kita akan rujuk MIC dan begitulah jika timbul isu Melayu perkara itu akan dirujuk pada UMNO.
Badawi telling people to speak the truth is like an ugly woman asking her husband to tell her the truth about her looks. Any husband worth his salt would know you are asking for trouble if you listen to her.
And that is the problem, Badawi is not only similarly inconsistent, he is behaving similarly womanly, indulgent, poor in leadership, spoilt by the comforts of establish rule and structure, and still wanting more but not willing to pay the price, yet still think other people should do more and owe them more, i.e. entitlement.
It is given Badawi is not the leader to oversee great changes but rather a caretaker. The best Malaysians can hope for is that he does not mess things up worst than his predecessor would have.
And there is one danger that he will leave a legacy that could be abused worst than his predecessor by sheer inertia. By entrenching the elected Sultanate system, he puts in danger the possibility of abuse by the truly ambitious. All it takes is someone mediocre but more ambitious and we would end up a basket case.
Everything else that Badawi does is irrelevant whether good or not.
I think if Lee Kuan Yew is given a free reign to govern Malaysia for just a single term, Malaysia will double its GDP, poverty will be cut by 50%, corruption will spiral down and our jail will be filled with Tun, Tan Sri and Datuk.
Of course it is just a dream but what a nightmare Malaysians are now suffering!
In 1957, Malaysia had the second biggest per capita income after Japan, but now we are at the tail end among the front-rank developed nations in Asia.
In 2005, Malaysia per capita income increased by only 17 times from 1967, as compared to South Korea which increased 100 times. Hong Kong 40 times, Singapore 45 times and Taiwan 60 times.
Malaysia is far richer in natural resources than the other countries. Singapore for example has no forest, oil, palm oil, rubber, etc.
The difference is in the development and utilisation of human resources. Malaysia has failed to make full use of the human resources in the country.
The statistics indicate that Malaysia was competitive with the other countries up to 1967. Thereafter, the Asian tigers like Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan leapt forward to lofty heights.
In 1966, the bumi policy was formally announced as a policy and in 1971, the New Economic Policy was launched. The various measures and regulations from these two policies slowed down economic growth considerably. Traders, businessmen, entrepreneurs, medium and small industries were put off by these policies.
The reaction of international countries was negative, and many investors shied away from Malaysia. Foreign direct investments declined considerably to US$3.9 billion in 2005, whereas Asean countries had FDI of US$30 billion for Singapore, US$7.9 billion for Thailand, US$10 billion for Vietnam. China had US$70 billion FDI in that year.
The New Economic Policy which compels reservation of 30% for malays in all economic activities has dampened investment interests of both foreign and local investors.
With the launching of liberalisation policies in 1978, China leapt forward and it is on the way to become a world economic power by 2030.
Malaysia too must implement global policies like liberalisation of all economic functions. Bumiputraism and New Economic Policy are the outdated measures, and must be replaced by more enlightened and pragmatic measures.
If Barisan stubbornly clings to old baggage policies, then it can be predicted that Malaysia per capita income will continue to lag behind the Asian tigers.
In Japan people commit hara-kiri if they have erred. Here Malaysia we have half past six ministers pointing fingers at each other. See the big difference? Our ministers here their skin is thicker than Kobe beef.
Lee Kuan Yew said recently the relationship between Malaysia and Singapore has not always been smooth sailing, and so investing in the Iskandar Development Region (IDR) may not always be smooth sailing for Singaporean companies.
This is simply a statement of fact that nevertheless appears to have gotten local Umno leaders into a tizzy.
Every local Umno politician hopes to be in a position to be approving investment flows into the country because to stand as gatekeeper is a very lucrative position, and when public squabbles erupt between Umno politicians about who is the better "protector of malay privileges and rights", it usually means someone just wants a bigger cut of the investment action for himself.
Go figure that one.
Of course, the relationship between Malaysia and Singapore is special because of the race relations issue.
Singapore has been the favourite whipping boy of the Umno-controlled malay vernacular press for the last 50 years, and if anything are seen as even bigger devils than the local Chinese and Indian citizens of Malaysia in the eyes of Malaysia's malay Muslims.
The fact is Singapore's development model has meant that Singapore's malays are far better educated, far better equipped, far better paid, far more self-confident, and self-reliant to deal with globalisation than malay Muslims in Malaysia.
This makes Ketuanan Melayu, the malay Agenda, and the NEP look like failed racist apartheid policies that have impoverished everyone except Umno cronies. Of course, Umno must demonise Singapore to maintain the illusion that Umno politicians are nationalists and not parasites, and more so if Singapore happens to be better educated, meritocratic, richer, and safer than Malaysia.
Malay Muslims in Malaysia have been brainwashed by Umno for the last 50 years into thinking that the Chinese and Indians both Malaysians and Singaporeans have gotten rich at their expense, and this perception probably won't change anytime soon because Umno does not have another elections winning formula if it dumps the present demonisation formulas.
Every time Singapore's first world achievements are compared with the sluggish competitiveness, economic, educational, professional, scientific, technological, and social standard in apartheid Malaysia, there is the predictable keris waving, baying for blood, and frothing at the mouth in every Umno up and down the country in Malaysia.
Although Chinese and Indian Malaysians have simply accepted the gross racial discrimination in business, education, and job as a fact of life in Malaysia, the non-apartheid non-NEP meritocratic Singaporean mindset may not have the stomach for this particular type of nonsense in the IDR.
I think Lee Kuan Yew is way too smart to think the demonisation process of the Chinese and Indians in the Umno-controlled malay vernacular press is going to stop anytime soon. How else is Umno going to win elections except by continuing to perpetrate the lie that the orang asing minorities in Malaysia are a threat to the malays?
Nevertheless Lee Kuan Yew may be hoping Chinese and Indian Singaporean investors will not be discriminated against in the IDR in comparison with investors from countries like China, Europe, India, Hong Kong, Taiwan, United Kingdom, and United States.
In the meantime, I am sure it will simply be business as usual for the rest of us in racial and religious apartheid Malaysia.
This is just another example of how sick our present government under BN is.
It makes us all wonder how low can they go before the whole country collapses……….
This is the politics of finding blame for own weakness or laziness.
What I hate most is when those racist and jealous malays see a well developed township populated and owned by Chinese, and start rambling that the Chinese grabbed the wealth from the malays.
The NEP was abused to enrich only a small portion of the malay population. Now, the pie is shrinking due to global factors and the political elite is looking for scapegoats - and guess what - the Chinese are always blamed, as if working hard and saving is sinful.
As a matter of fact just like Mahathir once stated the government has been giving a lot of opportunities to the malays. The other races prosper because they constantly grab opportunities and create markets for their businesses "without depending on any extra incentives by any governmental sector".
I think this country is wasting a lot of time and energy on this racial thing - actually is an income disparity syndrome, the have and have-nots regardless of race.
Last time all first world. If Malaysia was a body, malay was the bone. Today very sadly, malay is the sick appendix, if remove it, Malaysia will be healthier.
It is a tiring affair to talk of the problems of malays. The problems are too many.
We talk and talk and give resolutions to government to do, i.e. we talk but we are not doing anything about it and rely on others.
The typical discussion would be to say malay is weak in this and that. And the immediate inference is to have what is missing. Too often we are fixing symptoms and not problems.
We have tried and pump money into so many programs but we have yet to create the malay industrial and commercial class.
In any corporate strategy implementation, the key aspect lies in leadership and corporate culture.
For a change, I believe let us have an action oriented discussion. Maybe let us start to think and act independently. With a realistic appreciation of the parameters, only then we act more realistically and prudently.
In the end, we the common people must not be fooled by the political elite. We are risking our very life.
The most popular subject for jokes in Malaysia is the prime minister. That is all that he is good for.
One thing for sure is for those non-malay graduates who have graduated are they prefer to develop elsewhere, most probably US, UK, Singapore and Australia.
They need not to come back as the Umno government doesn't give a damn of the non-malay graduates background. What the prime minister is more interested is developing his own religion and race. But still the non-malays can afford to emigrate and develop elsewhere.
Is not that we choose to follow this way, but instead we are being forced to develop elsewhere. Everyday I am sick of hearing their sweet promises and excuses. Today I give you this and that. Tomorrow comes something else. In the end it was a pure rotten egg.
No wonder I got 5 out of 10 friends settling down in Australia after their graduations. Ask them about the Malaysia politics, none are interested. Ask them about the local education system, none are bothered. So I ask them why do they come back to Malaysia during holidays!
Well, the answer is to renew their passport or IC. Most come back to meet up with old friends and to celebrate new year with their beloved families. That is it. A simple well-mannered honest answer.
Nobody would say I would come back for the national day or even during Agong birthday. The sense of patriotism just isn't there.
I am saddened and confused for this ongoing bias treatment from the government. My final piece of advice for those who is studying overseas. Don't waste your time ever by coming back unless the government changes its policy. Try to develop elsewhere.
Good luck.
Benar, sebenarnya tanah melayu ini didiami penduduk asli. Orang melayu adalah penghijerah
(pendatang) sama macam cina dan india.
Bumi terbentang luas ini allah cipta untuk semua manusia yang ingin berusaha. Mana ada allah
letak negara ini negara melayu, itu arab, itu cina, india, inggeris, afrika. Manusia yang
membeza-beza. Pokoknya kita umat muhammad dan anak adam.
Saya tidak faham apakah itu melayu. Orang jawa, bugis, acheh, sunda yang datang ke sini baru
10 tahun digelar melayu bumiputera. orang melayu sendiri pun dari sumatera.. Orang cina dan
india yang lebih 200-100 tahun disini. Jadi Kuli batak. Sedangkan dialah pembangun ekonomi
(cina) dan sosial (india) doktor, peguam. Takkan politik nakbagi melayu yang tidak banyak
memberi sumbangan...
Akibat malas orang melayu walaupun diberi subsidi dan bantuan sebanyak mana. Kerajaan
terpaksa mengimport buruh dari indonesia, Bangladesh, india, Myanmar. Tak pernah bersukur
dengan bumi malaysia yang penuh nikmatnya.
Dah tu, kutuk macam-macam, dera, dan prejudis terhadap pendatang yang datang membantu negara
ini. Nabi sendiri adalah penghijerah dan disambut dengan baik pihak madinah. Sedangkan
hijerah itu agenda terbesar islam. Kita gelar penghijerah itu pengacau????? Hei bumi ni
allah cipta untuk semua bukan siapa cop dulu... semua adalah cop allah...
Allah s.w.t sendiri memeritahu 'aku tidak akan mengubah sesuatu kaum, melainkan kaum itu
ingin mengubah nasibnya'. Sudah jelaslah... Jika melayu terus malas, bangsa subsidi, dah
bagi betis nak peha, dan bantu pun malas. Orang cina (economic oriented) bakal kuasa dunia
dan orang India (Social oreinted) orang inggeris - (politic/power oriented) kuasai ilmu
dunia. Orang Melayu ???????????
Susah nak kata sama ada Malaysia adalah negara membangun terkemuka sekarang tanpa bantuan
bangsa Cina dan India dan bekas penjajah inggeris. Cubalah fikir apa sumbangan yang kita
(melayu) dah sumbang di bumi allah ini berbanding bangsa yang berusaha.
nak harapkan ketuanan melayu nak pergi mana... Allah sendiri tidak mengiktiraf monarki
sebagai mana kita melayu agongkan. Allah menganggap semua manusia adalah khalifah muka bumi
yang dilahirkan untuk membangun dan menjaga bumi ini. Allah tidak membeza kan mahluknya,
tidak meninggikan mahluknya melainkan makrifat diberinya. Ia bukannya secara keturunan
seperti monarki..
bangunlah bangsaku.. bila lagi nak tidur, kata kita kaya, sampai bila lagi nak dijajah oleh
minda penakut, malas dan percaya kepercayaan karut. SAMPAI BILA>>!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Benar, sebenarnya tanah melayu ini didiami penduduk asli. Orang melayu adalah penghijerah (pendatang) sama macam cina dan india.
Bumi terbentang luas ini allah cipta untuk semua manusia yang ingin berusaha. Mana ada allah
letak negara ini negara melayu, itu arab, itu cina, india, inggeris, afrika. Manusia yang
membeza-beza. Pokoknya kita umat muhammad dan anak adam.
Saya tidak faham apakah itu melayu. Orang jawa, bugis, acheh, sunda yang datang ke sini baru
10 tahun digelar melayu bumiputera. orang melayu sendiri pun dari sumatera.. Orang cina dan
india yang lebih 200-100 tahun disini. Jadi Kuli batak. Sedangkan dialah pembangun ekonomi
(cina) dan sosial (india) doktor, peguam. Takkan politik nakbagi melayu yang tidak banyak
memberi sumbangan...
Akibat malas orang melayu walaupun diberi subsidi dan bantuan sebanyak mana. Kerajaan terpaksa mengimport buruh dari indonesia, Bangladesh, india, Myanmar. Tak pernah bersukur dengan bumi malaysia yang penuh nikmatnya.
Dah tu, kutuk macam-macam, dera, dan prejudis terhadap pendatang yang datang membantu negara ini. Nabi sendiri adalah penghijerah dan disambut dengan baik pihak madinah. Sedangkan hijerah itu agenda terbesar islam. Kita gelar penghijerah itu pengacau????? Hei bumi ni allah cipta untuk semua bukan siapa cop dulu... semua adalah cop allah...
Allah s.w.t sendiri memeritahu 'aku tidak akan mengubah sesuatu kaum, melainkan kaum itu ingin mengubah nasibnya'. Sudah jelaslah... Jika melayu terus malas, bangsa subsidi, dah bagi betis nak peha, dan bantu pun malas. Orang cina (economic oriented) bakal kuasa dunia dan orang India (Social oreinted) orang inggeris - (politic/power oriented) kuasai ilmu
dunia. Orang Melayu ???????????
Susah nak kata sama ada Malaysia adalah negara membangun terkemuka sekarang tanpa bantuan bangsa Cina dan India dan bekas penjajah inggeris. Cubalah fikir apa sumbangan yang kita (melayu) dah sumbang di bumi allah ini berbanding bangsa yang berusaha.
nak harapkan ketuanan melayu nak pergi mana...
Allah sendiri tidak mengiktiraf monarki sebagai mana kita melayu agongkan. Allah menganggap semua manusia adalah khalifah muka bumi yang dilahirkan untuk membangun dan menjaga bumi ini. Allah tidak membeza kan mahluknya, tidak meninggikan mahluknya melainkan makrifat diberinya. Ia bukannya secara keturunan seperti monarki..
bangunlah bangsaku.. bila lagi nak tidur, kata kita kaya, sampai bila lagi nak dijajah oleh
minda penakut, malas dan percaya kepercayaan karut. SAMPAI BILA>>!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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