Thursday, April 2, 2009


Untuk terus bertahan hidup setiap insan memang perlu keBERANIan. KeBERANIan itu jelas tidak mudah diperjelaskan kerana ia penuh dengan risiko. Hidup tanpa keBERANIan adalah hidup yang tiada manfaatnya ibarat tubuh dan bayang-bayang.

Tetapi, jika kita salah mentafsirkan erti sebenar keBERANIan itu, maka terjadilah manusia seumpama Nizar Si Namrud Derhaka yang megah atas jawatan MB Perak satu masa dahulu sehingga lupa tarafnya hanya sebagai rakyat jelata.

Tatapilah video dibawah dimana Nizar Si Namrud Derhaka yang bongkak menjaja cerita munafiknya bagaikan orang hilang akal. Pernah beliau mengatakan, segala keputusan DYMM Sultan Perak akan beliau taati tetapi sekarang??!! SIAPA NIZAR UTK MENGHARAMKAN UMNO DAN PEMIMPIN ISLAM?? NIZAR HANYA BONEKA DAP.

Terimalah hakikat yang saudara bukan lagi Menteri Besar Perak. Janganlah buat perangai macam budak-budak. Jagalah maruah saudara.Apa gunanya mengakui diri kamu masih lagi jadi Menteri Besar kalau kuasa Menteri Besar dah tak ada lagi. Kan dah bodoh stupid punya hal. Nak jadi Menteri Besar "patong" ke? Malulah !!

After all the State Secretary is now officially reports to the new Menteri Besar. So you cannot have another State Secretary to run the administration of the state. How can you want to share the office of Menteri Besar when your electronic entrance card to the office had been deactivated.

Respect is to be earned and you have lost the respect out of your party's action. Please accept the reality that there is now a new Menteri Besar and the least you can do is to welcome the new Menteri Besar to your office, congratulate him and wish him the best and then hand over your functions as Menteri Besar gracefully to him.

After all what is power? Power comes with heavy responsibility to serve the rakyat not to serve yourself. So why cause unnecessary havoc wanting to cling on to something that is gone.

May I suggest to you that if you really want the post back then you have to follow the footstep of Anwar Ibrahim by continuing lobbying the Barisan wakil rakyat to "lompat katak" to your side and fix a date when your Pakatan can form the next state govt. after getting the simple majority. Maybe be you can give the target date on 16th September 2009. That is the sacred date for Pakatan Rakyat!!! kah, kah, kah !!!


Anonymous said...

Apa yg ko merapu-rapu ni...tulis artikel dengan bahasa blog dihiasi dengan kalimah Allah, ayat suci Al-Quran tetapi isi kandungan beritanya amat busuk sekali...baik ko buang jer kalimah Allah tu sedara...tak baik...dlm penulisan yg penuh carut mencarut, memaki org, memfitnah org, bahasa kesat kemudian dicampur pulak dengan Ayat Suci, Kalimah Suci....betulkah mcm ni...Ini semua bloger UMNO keparat yg org UMNO ni bukan tahu beragama...mereka ni munafik...mereka ni semua 'kapiaq'dan mana agama dlm diri mereka...mereka hanya lah binatang ternak, malahan lebih buruk dari itu....
Babi betul UMNOOOOOO....bloger ni anak HARAM ..BUSTED UMNO...puki babi UMNO.....taik kucing babi UMNO ..setan ko UMNO....babi, anjing....anak haram....mamposlah ko....

matgok said...

ape ke hal awak ni anonymous...orang ke ape?